
Patter is No Typewriters / No Talking’s very own literary journal. 

Its mission is simple: publish local folks who make the effort to write a thing. Every year Patter will publish 10 pieces from people who have attended No Typewriters / No Talking sessions.

Original written work in any style, genre or format will be considered from writers of any stage. 

Patter is named after the noise at a No Typewriters / No Talking session as people sit in silence and tap away at their keyboards and/or scribble on paper1.

Submissions for our first edition will open in January 2025. Please read the submission guidelines below to start getting your submission ready.

An artists impression of Patter.
Artist’s impression, subject to change.

Submission guidelines

Patter will consider a broad range of original written work. We know writers who attend No Typewriters / No Talking work on all sorts of stuff. From poetry to prose, to self indulgent auto-fiction to academic essays, Patter will consider pretty much anything if

  • the author has been to a No Typewriters / No Talking session at some point, 
  • the work is original, and 
  • it’s not gosh darn AI slop.

It’s free to submit, but we ask that

  • You only submit one piece per edition
  • No reprints: original, unpublished work only
  • We accept simultaneous submissions but please let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere
  • Non poetry submissions must be a single piece up to 2,500 words
  • Poetry submissions must not exceed 500 words
  • Submissions must be written in Australian English or an Australian First Nations language.
  • Submissions cannot be anything obscene, illegal, hateful, etc.

Final selection of pieces is completely up to the whim of our Editor-in-Chief.

Selected writers will be paid for their submissions and Patter will also commission a local artist to illustrate each edition. Copyright will remain with the authors.

Nittier and grittier details (and terms and conditions) will be available when submissions open in early 2025. 

Submission timelines

Patter is an annual publication. Submissions will open early each year with publication mid-year.

Submissions for the first edition will open in early 2025 and close in late March. We expect to contact selected authors in late April with publication (hard copy and online) in June.

To find out when submissions open, please sign up to our newsletter 👇

* = required field
  1. It is most definitely not named after the type of patter which means the ‘continuous and sometimes funny talk used by comedians‘. Any accusations it is named after this patter are defamatory and will be pursued with the full force of the Australian legal system. ↩︎

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